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Katie Chew | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trees > Another Fall Day
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Another Fall Day

Busy schedule today. Aubry
had her flu shot this
morning and then I have
Parent Teacher Conference
this afternoon. This is
one of the pics I took yesterday.

Nikon D70
1/160s f/5.6 at 80.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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poetry66606-Apr-2008 16:46
Beautiful shot, Katie.V.
Bryan Murahashi11-Nov-2004 15:59
Very nice colors.
Stu11-Nov-2004 09:54
Lovely autumnal colours, Katie
Breland11-Nov-2004 01:03
Great fall color.
laine8211-Nov-2004 00:26
Great crop & layers of changing textures.
Jill10-Nov-2004 22:11
Argishti Khachik10-Nov-2004 22:06
great shot!
Zak10-Nov-2004 20:32

I like the colours in this pic too!