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Katie Chew | all galleries >> Galleries >> Leaves > Frosty Morning
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Frosty Morning

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Nikon D70
1/60s f/4.5 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

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waterfalls man10-Jan-2009 14:05
Beautiful Shot!!!
LeuAnna Taylor28-Oct-2008 17:49
The flower itself is lovely but decorated so artistically with the frost and webbing makes it truely outstanding!
Guest 21-Oct-2008 06:21
You have a great eye. -v
Randy Adams20-Oct-2008 01:11
Great contrast Katie! Well seen and shot!
Marco Valk18-Oct-2008 17:56
beautiful shot. gmv
Char17-Oct-2008 14:31
Hi Katie,
This is a spectacular shot! \/
Kathy Pedersen16-Oct-2008 15:35
Love these vibrant colors, the edges seem to be coated with sugar. So glad to see you posting again. Your strength is immeasurable, and this image proves it! :)
Carol Rollins16-Oct-2008 12:25
Beautifully seen and captured Katie! Love the vibrant color and the composition. V
Yep, even here in Arizona it has been colder than normal. This week we have had two 34° mornings!
Neal Nye16-Oct-2008 11:57
Wonderful shot with the red and white. But frost already? Too early!
Bob White16-Oct-2008 09:11
Beautiful shot Katie, and very sharp it gets a big vote.
Nice to see you back
January Grey16-Oct-2008 06:32
A lovely image, Katie. V~
Simon Chandler16-Oct-2008 05:15
Excellent find and composition. Beautiful emphasis on the frost with a lovely tone. v
Bryan Murahashi16-Oct-2008 04:27
Beautiful capture with the frosty fringes. V
Guest 16-Oct-2008 03:49
Perfect!!! ---V
Marcia Colelli16-Oct-2008 03:12
Very nice capture V
s_barbour16-Oct-2008 01:34
Excellent capture Katie...winter is on it's way!
Guest 16-Oct-2008 00:48
Real sharp! I can see the webs!!! Great shot. vote
Terri Steele15-Oct-2008 23:53
Beautiful Katie! Love the red and white together!
Bill Gallagher15-Oct-2008 22:46
Nice shot Katie, glad to see you back.
Cindi Smith15-Oct-2008 22:30
Beautiful....hope you are doing okay. You are on my mind a lot!
Enrique15-Oct-2008 22:05
Real nice, well done. You've inspired me, maybe I'll head north for the weekend in h0pes of getting some frost ! (Still in the low 80's in Phoenix)
Guest 15-Oct-2008 21:29
Already..sure makes a great image tho..v
laine8215-Oct-2008 21:10
Brrrrr, it happened so quickly.
Jess. ( Lady.D.)15-Oct-2008 18:07
Well captured Katie, a reminder that winter is just a few weeks away.....
Joanne Kamo15-Oct-2008 17:25
Beautiful frost-lined leaves, well seen! V
Steve Morris15-Oct-2008 16:56
Love frosted leaf shots Katie - nice capture!!Bv
Tracy Stubberfield15-Oct-2008 16:42
Awesome Fall capture, love this and thanks.
Tom Munson15-Oct-2008 16:01
This is lovely, Katie. Great shot. v
Glendower15-Oct-2008 15:48
Very nice indeed!
Guest 15-Oct-2008 15:34
Superb. V.
Guest 15-Oct-2008 15:30
Very nice Katie..voted