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kathy mansfield | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> SAIL CALEDONIA tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


A small boat 'raid' up Scotland's Caledonian Canal, from the Atlantic to the North Sea, taking in three big lochs and connecting canals in a challenging sail and oar race, the epitome of 'raids.'
Sail Caledonia 2023
:: Sail Caledonia 2023 ::
Sail Caledonia 2022
:: Sail Caledonia 2022 ::
Sail Caledonia 2018
:: Sail Caledonia 2018 ::
Sail Caledonia 2016
:: Sail Caledonia 2016 ::
Sail Caledonia 2015
:: Sail Caledonia 2015 ::
Sail Caledonia 2014
:: Sail Caledonia 2014 ::
Sail Caledonia 2013
:: Sail Caledonia 2013 ::