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cheryl perry 08-Jul-2009 01:55
You are soooooo talented..and your political humor is in line with my iew!
Pauline30-Jan-2009 04:11
Just a reminder, you are appreciated!!
I'm a kid inside as well....
Yay for silliness:)
Guest 27-Jun-2007 13:57
Hope you update soon as I'll be anxiously awaiting.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 06:25
Your photos are good. I'll be back.
Pauline27-Nov-2006 15:11
Placed you in favorites, I like how you think and I like your galleries!!
John 16-Jun-2006 10:55
You are an inspiration to anyone who ever considered acting on an idea, taking pen to paper, or offering a unconscious thought to the otherwise conscious mind. May you endure and continue to be inspired by whatever drives you ambitious nature. May you be nurtured by and through that inner peace, though it be a mired with your personal conflicts.
Mo 27-Mar-2006 16:08
Kanvasx, This stuff is great. You should be doing the cartoon drawings on the editorial page in the newspaper. Love the satire. Please keep it coming.
Thanks again.