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Waterside Plaza in New York City

This gallery was photographed at Waterside Plaza, a luxury rental complex between 25th and 30th streets on Manhattan's east side. Some images were commisioned by the management and rental offices. To inquire about sizes and pricing, please email.
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360º Panorama of Waterside Plaza
360º Panorama of Waterside Plaza
Waterside Plaza View from Gantry State Park at Sunset
Waterside Plaza View from Gantry State Park at Sunset
Plaza Stage and Bellevue Hospital
Plaza Stage and Bellevue Hospital
Waterside Plaza View towards the Queensboro Bridge
Waterside Plaza View towards the Queensboro Bridge
Building 10 Tower at Waterside
Building 10 Tower at Waterside
Plaza Spring Flowers and Canopies
Plaza Spring Flowers and Canopies
Plaza Spring Blossoms
Plaza Spring Blossoms
East River View from the Boardwalk
East River View from the Boardwalk
Plaza Stage and River View
Plaza Stage and River View
Plaza Stage and Building 30
Plaza Stage and Building 30
Plaza Stage and Pigeon
Plaza Stage and Pigeon
Tables and Canopies
Tables and Canopies
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