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Ali Majdfar | all galleries >> PERSIA, the Ancient Iran >> SHUSHTAR, Ancient Hydro Engineering Exhibition > Water mill Area
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Water mill Area


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Lloyd Licht15-Mar-2008 00:41
Great shot, Ali, I really like this!
Guest 12-Nov-2007 13:54
Wonderful falls. zm
Guest 23-Jul-2007 11:23
The angle of the shot, makes it look like coming out of the ground. Intriguing.
Guest 03-Jul-2007 18:22
Nice, like the movement. v.
Guest 03-Jul-2007 17:00
beautiful movement of the water.
Ceya03-Jul-2007 16:39
Excellent shot, the shower is specially welcome in this heat! V
Carol Rollins03-Jul-2007 14:25
Great capture!
Matthew Mannell03-Jul-2007 14:21
Lovely, looks like a strong flow! Vote
Bill Paige03-Jul-2007 13:24
I really like your shot of the various archeological sites.
Gerard Koehl03-Jul-2007 11:27
Magnifique chute d'eau. V
Guest 03-Jul-2007 09:55
beautiful smooth flow of water.
Paco López03-Jul-2007 09:34
Beautiful, Alí!!!!!!!!!! V!
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