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Ali Majdfar | all galleries >> Attractive Places in Iran >> A Day in Cactus Farm, Mahallat > Cactus Farm
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24-APR-2009 Ali Majdfar

Cactus Farm

Mahallat - Markazi Province

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ursula Armstrong05-Sep-2009 10:06
as if it was looking at you - very nice. Uschi (V)
Guest 01-Sep-2009 05:23
nice angle and composition ali .v
Brian McAllister01-Sep-2009 03:36
Marcia Colelli01-Sep-2009 01:02
nice detail and composition V
Hank Vander Velde01-Sep-2009 00:42
Very nicely captured And presented Ali.
Marķa Cano31-Aug-2009 21:47
Contrast of colors and textures .. Well seen Ali .. -V-
laine31-Aug-2009 21:44
Such tiny little flowers...lovely shot.
Aida Villaronga31-Aug-2009 20:09
Lovely detail and colors! BV
Colin Storey31-Aug-2009 19:44
Great sharp cactus image. v
Patricia Kay31-Aug-2009 17:55
Great shot Ali....BV
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