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Ali Majdfar | profile | all galleries >> Museums in Iran >> ABGINEH, the history of Glassware and Ceramic Museum of Iran tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

ANCIENT IRAN MUSEUM | Azerbaijan Museum | SUSA ( Shush ) MUSEUM | ABGINEH, the history of Glassware and Ceramic Museum of Iran | Persian Carpet ( Rug ) Museum | Guilan Rural Heritage Museum

ABGINEH, the history of Glassware and Ceramic Museum of Iran

( Ȑ) Building of Museum was the residence and office of "Ahmad Qavam" until 1951. Afterwards, the Egyptian Embassy in Tehran took over the building and finally handed it over to the Iranian Commercial Bank.
From 1976,a group of Iranian and Austrian architects refurbished the building and converted it into a museum which was opened on 1989. Abguineh museum comprises several halls and workshops and a library. Art works and handicrafts exhibited in this museum include three collections of porcelains, glassworks and crystals.

The magnificent collection of porcelains exhibits a thorough history of ceramics and porcelains made in Iran from the dawn of history until today. It also provides a bulk of information about the evolution of porcelain and its production technique. Some of these porcelains enjoy paintings on the basis of proverbs and old mythical and folk tales.

Glass works
Glass works that are exhibited in this museum start from the ones made in the first and second millennium BC and extend up to modern ones. In this section the glass works production technique including the sand molds, cutting and pressing equipment are introduced.

On the ground floor hall of the museum, crystal and flint glass samples of 18th and 19th centuries are exhibited. All these samples are mostly cut and made in Europe.
Specialized Library On the northwestern courtyard of the museum, the newly constructed building of the library is visible. This specialized library contains almost 4,000 books on archeology and the history of art.
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Glass Necklaces
Glass Necklaces
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum
Abgineh Museum