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Jüri Etverk | profile | all galleries >> Roadtrip to Macedonia, Albania and Northern Greece >> Macedonia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Pictures from four days in Macedonia: Ohrid area, Skopje and Bitola.
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Skopje Old Town
Skopje Old Town
Shoes anyone?
Shoes anyone?
Mosque, Skopje Old Town
Mosque, Skopje Old Town
Courtyard through the fence, Skopje
Courtyard through the fence, Skopje
Disagreement with direction
Disagreement with direction
A small shop
A small shop
Mirtel sorting out the goods
Mirtel sorting out the goods
Resting in the courtyard
Resting in the courtyard
Rainy Ohrid morning - TravelTandem
Rainy Ohrid morning - TravelTandem
View at St John Kaneo
View at St John Kaneo
St John Kaneo
St John Kaneo
Path up to Plaoshnik
Path up to Plaoshnik
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