Dutch Trainscapes
In 2009, I shot photographs from the train while traveling through Switzerland and Germany. These pictures were the inspiration for a serie of paintings.
Because as an artist, I've been working on the theme Ditch landscapes ( Slootlandschappen) for a couple of years now, I gave these new painting the title: Trainscapes ( Treinlandschappen).
The works inspired me to continue to take pictures from the train. Since then, I've been traveling by train with my camera ready.
In my paintings Ditch landscapes, I tackle two aspect: movement and layering. In the landscapes I view from the train window, I see these same two aspects: the reflection of the interior in the landscape, and the other way around. The intimacy of the train compartment blends with the landscape. This way, a new world comes into existence. Because of the movement, this new world reveals itself as a film. Each train ride is a new adventure for me.