Learning how to do descents - Abseiling / Rappelling / Jumping - and ascents on rope at stair column at entrance to Gua Fairy, Sarawak, Malaysia, 19/08/2007. Essential techniques in order to explore the more difficult caves of Sarawak.
Now pay attention
Critical Knots
The harness
Patricia N down the stairs
Patricia A down the stairs
Not so hard
George adjusting
The spectators
George down the stairs
Swing back
Warwick down the stairs
Hope that rope is strong enough
James swinging back
The drop - a long long way down
The first
Down he goes
The second
Almost there
Off Rope!!
Patricia M feeling comfortable
Down she goes
Patricia N up and over - there is nothing like the feeling of going over the edge that first time
Easy Lah
Down she goes
You mean I came down all that way?
Patricia A goes over the edge that first time
Ready to go
No I won't look down
Down she goes
Almost there
George in harness
Over the edge
Now or never
Off we go
keep those legs apart
Looking up
Touchdown - Off Rope!
Love that harness
James getting ready
James descending
Patricia A - second go
Warwick - checking
Up and over
Last Good Byes - haha
Sam getting ready
A little assistance checking the figure 8
Sam going over the edge
Sam Descending
Down down down
Patricia N - mind what you photograph
No worries
This is fun
Could do this all day lah
Up and over
Too late to check now
Down we go
To the bottom
Patricia M assisted by son Glenn - second go - (Ropework must run in family)
Up and over
James second go
Getting ready
We are off
Beats watching TV
A long way down
Warwick second go
This is great
Can't wait for that cave drop
George second go
Up and over
Getting a grip
Zoom - not too fast now
Maybe I can do this from a helicopter
Touch down
Stairs to the cave
Preparing for top Belay
The Figure 8 Knot
A good figure 8 - your life depends on it
No explanation necessary
Yes I think this is Ok
Re- Checking
Making Sure
Patricia the Belayer
The Rappeller - rear view
Some Slack
Yes It's me cries Warwick
Bit more Slack
Easy Now - Tension
The Ascender
Not so easy as going down
James "Frogging"
Bit More "Frogging" - (pretty good for a cave toad)
Up a bit more
Hard work James
Houston We Have A Problem
Assessing the situation
What was that about the fetal position?
Oh yes legs up
Just got to sort this out
Down we go
Warwick the Rope Carrier
Packing Up
Maybe Next Week?
Yes That looks like great descent but how to get back up?