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Susanne v. Schroeder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cat & Dog Stories tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Cat & Dog Stories

Minka & Dusty lived a good cat life, until a 6 week old puppy joined the household in Nov.'06....
a lot changed, but they are still in charge!
There are several subgalleries, just keep clicking on the thumbnails.
Just Cats
:: Just Cats ::
Tango and her kittens
:: Tango and her kittens ::
Just Dog
:: Just Dog ::
Making Friends
Making Friends
g6/61/751361/3/76068147.9WXGi8dI.jpg Where is the puppy?
Where is the puppy?
Having Fun
Having Fun
Great Game
Great Game
1 -Dusty & Tippy in a snow fight
1 -Dusty & Tippy in a snow fight
2 - Pretending there is no cat...
2 - Pretending there is no cat...
4 - The Standoff
4 - The Standoff
6 -And the winner is....
6 -And the winner is....
A rare 'Three-some'
A rare 'Three-some'