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Susanne v. Schroeder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Barns tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


There are many different kind of barns here in Northern Wisconsin. Sadly, only a few are still used for it's original purpose of keeping dairy cows. Many are empty or used for storage or are totally abandoned. They all seem to have individualities and I often think if they could talk (or we could listen) there would be a many stories to tell. They are slowly dissappearing from the landscape replaced by newer, less charming pole barn structures. I decided to preserve some in pictures before it's too late.
on a foggy morning
on a foggy morning
tall Corn
tall Corn
Another Wisconsin barn
Another Wisconsin barn
White out
White out
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g4/61/751361/3/144668646.bEsWZ2Tr.jpg Foggy morning
Foggy morning
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Abandoned farm/barn
Abandoned farm/barn
g2/61/751361/3/147946471.p9b1QwPW.jpg Old Barn
Old Barn
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g4/61/751361/3/142018925.wGzmeIaK.jpg Barn in northern WI
Barn in northern WI
g4/61/751361/3/141945582.FpLsFffk.jpg at the Ney Nature Center
at the Ney Nature Center
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Barn, foggy evening
Barn, foggy evening
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Old Murry townhall building
Old Murry townhall building
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g1/61/751361/3/107627410.OMR2VfVg.jpg The Past
The Past
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Our barn with the newly rebuilt silo
Our barn with the newly rebuilt silo
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Wisconsin barn
Wisconsin barn