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Julien Chiang | profile | all galleries >> The Power of Canon Ixus V3 (S230) >> Sunrise tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Date : 2nd March 2003
Location : Changi Beach
Members : Reddevil7, Fella

Gotta wake up at 5 plus in the morning... even earlier than my average working day... haiz...

It's the first time I really see a sunrise though.
While waiting for the sun to rise...
While waiting for the sun to rise...
We had to guess where it'll be popping it's face out from...
We had to guess where it'll be popping it's face out from...
Closeup on hovercraft with kenko lens
Closeup on hovercraft with kenko lens
Ah! There it is!
Ah! There it is!
It really rises fast...
It really rises fast...
It rises steathily...
It rises steathily...
And surely...
And surely...
Till it's too bright... so I start taking aeroplanes instead... haha!
Till it's too bright... so I start taking aeroplanes instead... haha!