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Julien Chiang | profile | all galleries >> The Power of Canon Ixus V3 (S230) >> Marina South & Fort Canning (again) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Marina South & Fort Canning (again)

Date : 22nd March 2003
Location : Marina South/Fort Canning
Members : Reddevil7, Fella & GF (Reddevil7 left after Marina Shoot)

I'm beginning to feel that the shots I'm taking are all mundane... I hope it's just me...
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Marina City Park @ Marina South
Marina City Park @ Marina South
An ideal place for hanky panky
An ideal place for hanky panky
Who chopped me off?!
Who chopped me off?!
Bright Green Leaves
Bright Green Leaves
Common flower you can find everywhere
Common flower you can find everywhere
Looks Fun
Looks Fun
Under Shade
Under Shade
F I G H T !
F I G H T !
Fan-like Leaves
Fan-like Leaves
Bird Nest Fern 01
Bird Nest Fern 01
Bird Nest Fern 02
Bird Nest Fern 02
Spores of Bird Nest Fern
Spores of Bird Nest Fern
Row of Stone Seats
Row of Stone Seats
Looking down
Looking down
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