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Julien Chiang | profile | all galleries >> The Power of Canon Ixus V3 (S230) >> A Day in the City tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

A Day in the City

Date : 15th March 2003
Location : City Hall, Raffles Place area
Members : Fella, but came across many other lone photgraphers

Started just before noon all the way till 1600 hrs.
I guessed I've walked at least 20km!
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Starting off @ the Memorial
Starting off @ the Memorial
Noon sun cast no shadows
Noon sun cast no shadows
Besides myself, virtually nobody else
Besides myself, virtually nobody else
A minute of silence
A minute of silence
Staring right up
Staring right up
Double image
Double image
Another try
Another try
Twin Brothers
Twin "Brothers"
Reflective shot 01
Reflective shot 01
Reflective shot 02
Reflective shot 02
Really looks like durian
Really looks like durian
A little zooming
A little zooming
With 140mm (4x) zoom. The blue sky backdrop is perfect
With 140mm (4x) zoom. The blue sky backdrop is perfect
Taken from afar
Taken from afar
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