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Julien Chiang | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Building A Really Personal Computer tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Building A Really Personal Computer

Have finally decided to do a detailed step-by-step setting up of my computer since I'm in the process of migrating it to another casing. I expect this to go on for a couple of months...

Latest update (13th Feb '05) -
Almost done! Top and insides are practically up.
Will have to start thinking of the front panel as well as how I wanna control my fans and lights...
By the way, I love my new PC! (Pics at the very last)

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1st Lianli casing I bought - PC70
1st Lianli casing I bought - PC70
Didn't get the PC70-U cos no point having USB ports right @ the bottom of the casing when it's sitting on the floor
Didn't get the PC70-U cos no point having USB ports right @ the bottom of the casing when it's sitting on the floor
A beauty indeed, @ it's stock form
A beauty indeed, @ it's stock form
Power & Reset Buttons
Power & Reset Buttons
PSU plating with room for 2 80mm fans
PSU plating with room for 2 80mm fans
Bottom of case with 4 feet
Bottom of case with 4 feet
It's internals
It's internals
The other side
The other side
Notice the PSU space ain't particularly friendly for dual fans type PSU
Notice the PSU space ain't particularly friendly for dual fans type PSU
Sufficient space for x6 5.25' and x9 3.5' devices
Sufficient space for x6 5.25' and x9 3.5' devices
Removable hdd rack for x6 3.5' hdd
Removable hdd rack for x6 3.5' hdd
Removing the front cover
Removing the front cover
Reverse side of front cover
Reverse side of front cover
Bare front
Bare front
Another 3.5' rack that's removable. Good enough for x3 more 3.5' devices
Another 3.5' rack that's removable. Good enough for x3 more 3.5' devices
Filter for intake fans
Filter for intake fans
Filter removed
Filter removed
x4 Adda 80mm fans inclusive
x4 Adda 80mm fans inclusive
Almost fully stripped
Almost fully stripped
Removing the case feet
Removing the case feet
Top support for PSU
Top support for PSU
Some work need to be done to the PSU plating to make it compatible to popular PSU available in the market
Some work need to be done to the PSU plating to make it compatible to popular PSU available in the market
Changing the rivets to 3mm bolts and nuts
Changing the rivets to 3mm bolts and nuts
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