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Tom Hall | profile | all galleries >> African Safari, Zambia and Zimbabwe, May 26-June 11, 2024 >> Nyamatusi Camp, Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Nyamatusi Camp, Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe

At the Nyamatusi Camp in Mana Pools, Zimbabwe, there were fewer elephants but lots of hippopotamuses. Here, we also saw a den of African Wild Dogs (Painted Dogs). On that hike, Katy managed to trip and crack five ribs. She was a trouper--only missed one game drive that afternoon.
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Nyamatusi Camp at the Mana Pools National Park
Nyamatusi Camp at the Mana Pools National Park
The bar and dining area
The bar and dining area
Our tent at Nyamatusi
Our tent at Nyamatusi
Early on the first day, we hiked a mile to an African wild dog den to see the pups.
Early on the first day, we hiked a mile to an African wild dog den to see the pups.
The matriarch doing her rounds of the den.  Evidence of the morning kill is visible.
The matriarch doing her rounds of the den. Evidence of the morning kill is visible.
One of the pups was very curious about the humans watching him.
One of the pups was very curious about the humans watching him.
Pups on the hill at the back of the den.
Pups on the hill at the back of the den.
Swainson's spurfowl
Swainson's spurfowl
Waterbuck keeping an eye on us
Waterbuck keeping an eye on us
Ellie out for an evening stroll
Ellie out for an evening stroll
Bull elephant
Bull elephant
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