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European Masters Golf Tournament

What a great experience to be able to spend time with gracious hosts, Mary and Jean-Marc Mommer, and good friends, Steve and Victoria Ash in Crans-Montana, Switzerland and see wonderful sights and great golf!
L-R: Steve, Victoria, Judy (me), Mike, Mary, Jean-Marc
L-R: Steve, Victoria, Judy (me), Mike, Mary, Jean-Marc
Steve and Mike in front of the 13th green
Steve and Mike in front of the 13th green
Victoria with Rory
Victoria with Rory
Mike and Steve posing with the headliners at the tournament
Mike and Steve posing with the headliners at the tournament
I love that the golf course is built into the town. See all the chalets?
I love that the golf course is built into the town. See all the chalets?
My favorite player, Tommy Fleetwood
My favorite player, Tommy Fleetwood
Mary and me, with Tommy in the back left side of the photo
Mary and me, with Tommy in the back left side of the photo
Steve and Victoria joined us in Crans-Montana on Wednesday night.
Steve and Victoria joined us in Crans-Montana on Wednesday night.
We loved this seating built behind the 13th green
We loved this seating built behind the 13th green
Spectacular views on the course
Spectacular views on the course
Steve, Victoria, Mike, Mary, and Jean-Marc waiting for the Rory's group to come through hole 13
Steve, Victoria, Mike, Mary, and Jean-Marc waiting for the Rory's group to come through hole 13
The course was in such perfect shape!
The course was in such perfect shape!
Mike having a drink while watching players on the practice range
Mike having a drink while watching players on the practice range
Fleetwood putting
Fleetwood putting
We waited for Steve and Victoria to arrive in Crans in order to take a trip to the glacier.
We waited for Steve and Victoria to arrive in Crans in order to take a trip to the glacier.
We took two levels of ski lifts up to the glacier
We took two levels of ski lifts up to the glacier
Plaine Morte Glacier above Crans-Montana, Switzerland
Plaine Morte Glacier above Crans-Montana, Switzerland
Steve and Victoria
Steve and Victoria
Plaine Morte Glacier
Plaine Morte Glacier
Plaine Morte Glacier
Plaine Morte Glacier
Steve and Victoria
Steve and Victoria
Photo op at the glacier
Photo op at the glacier
Classmates (1967) Steve, Mary, and Mike at the ski lift platform
Classmates (1967) Steve, Mary, and Mike at the ski lift platform
We had a great lunch after viewing the glacier
We had a great lunch after viewing the glacier
The view going down the mountain
The view going down the mountain
Steve and Mike at the marker where Seve Ballesteros made his miracle shot on 18
Steve and Mike at the marker where Seve Ballesteros made his miracle shot on 18
Rory McIroy
Rory McIroy
Tommy Fleetwood on the tee
Tommy Fleetwood on the tee
Tommy putting
Tommy putting
The views were incredible. We had great weather all week.
The views were incredible. We had great weather all week.
Steve with the bull
Steve with the bull
Apparently, they roll cigars in Crans...just like we did in Havana, FL
Apparently, they roll cigars in Crans...just like we did in Havana, FL
Mary with Sebastian Soderberg, the winner of the European Masters
Mary with Sebastian Soderberg, the winner of the European Masters
Our daily view from Mary and Jean-Marc's beautiful apartment
Our daily view from Mary and Jean-Marc's beautiful apartment