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Callaway Gardens 2018

A wonderful family reunion in Nanny's memory. The Hickmans, Humbles, Beaches, Fasons, Rohrboughs, Fowlers, and Dietrichs spent the last week of June together in Pine Mountain, GA.
Coach and Grammy's family
Coach and Grammy's family
Color coded whole group
Color coded whole group
The kid campers
The kid campers
Beach family
Beach family
Humble family
Humble family
Jon Hickman family
Jon Hickman family
Jarrod Hickman family
Jarrod Hickman family
Fason family
Fason family
Nanny and Papa's family
Nanny and Papa's family
Grandparents with Nanny on pillow
Grandparents with Nanny on pillow
Rohrboughs and Fowlers
Rohrboughs and Fowlers
WV crew
WV crew
Dietrichs funny
Dietrichs funny
Humble funny
Humble funny
Funny group
Funny group
We celebrated Lora's 62nd and Bella's 7th birthdays on Thursday
We celebrated Lora's 62nd and Bella's 7th birthdays on Thursday
Adam knee boarding
Adam knee boarding
Adam skiing
Adam skiing
Angie Fowler tubing
Angie Fowler tubing
Angie Hickman flipping off the trapeze
Angie Hickman flipping off the trapeze
Gwen flipping off the trapeze
Gwen flipping off the trapeze
Jon did great and hung by his ankles, but I only got this shot.
Jon did great and hung by his ankles, but I only got this shot.
Jarrod on one ski
Jarrod on one ski
Scott on the trapeze
Scott on the trapeze
Lora skiing
Lora skiing
Gwen was the only one in our group to be able to do the knee hang
Gwen was the only one in our group to be able to do the knee hang
Lora on the trapeze
Lora on the trapeze
Jess on the trapeze
Jess on the trapeze
Sarah did the trapeze!
Sarah did the trapeze!
Grammy hanging on for dear life
Grammy hanging on for dear life
Grammy and Coach
Grammy and Coach
Angie's dismount
Angie's dismount
Laurel with a big bass
Laurel with a big bass
Angie and Lora kayaking
Angie and Lora kayaking
Gwen kayaking
Gwen kayaking
Laurel and Adam canoeing
Laurel and Adam canoeing
Rohrboughs on one of the 3 golf carts we rented for the week
Rohrboughs on one of the 3 golf carts we rented for the week
Our TreeTop Adventurers
Our TreeTop Adventurers
Sarah zipping across the lake
Sarah zipping across the lake
Adam on the zip line
Adam on the zip line
Lora on the zip line over the lake
Lora on the zip line over the lake
Beginning our adventure at Wild Animal Safari. We had our own bus.
Beginning our adventure at Wild Animal Safari. We had our own bus.
The animals stick their heads in the bus to be fed
The animals stick their heads in the bus to be fed
Addy feeding a giraffe
Addy feeding a giraffe
feeding the water buffalo
feeding the water buffalo
emu eating off the window ledge
emu eating off the window ledge
baby giraffe
baby giraffe
big gator
big gator
Brady with gator
Brady with gator
giraffe bus
giraffe bus
water buffalo and bison
water buffalo and bison
giraffe feeding
giraffe feeding
Laney feeding the giraffe
Laney feeding the giraffe
Paige feeding the giraffe
Paige feeding the giraffe
girls and pony
girls and pony
camel slobber
camel slobber
camel close
camel close
Coach feeding bull
Coach feeding bull
mate for life
mate for life
Lora camel
Lora camel
long horn
long horn
Gwen and monkey
Gwen and monkey
two humps
two humps
one hump camel
one hump camel
petting zoo
petting zoo
up close
up close
Sunday dinner
Sunday dinner
Sunday dinner
Sunday dinner
Sunday evening dinner
Sunday evening dinner
dinner kids
dinner kids
hula hoop time
hula hoop time
Papa, River, Pat, and Mark at the Chapel
Papa, River, Pat, and Mark at the Chapel
Arwen, River, and Deanna
Arwen, River, and Deanna
Lora and Mrs Callaway
Lora and Mrs Callaway
stained glass and Jess
stained glass and Jess
Fason family behind the chapel
Fason family behind the chapel
Jess and River
Jess and River
Arwen, River, and Deanna
Arwen, River, and Deanna
River and Deanna
River and Deanna
behind the Chapel
behind the Chapel
On the jumping wall
On the jumping wall
Kora and Avery
Kora and Avery
pool time
pool time
pool time Brooks
pool time Brooks
wall jumping
wall jumping
pool time
pool time
pool time
pool time
pool time
pool time
pool time
pool time
pool time
pool time
pool time
pool time
Brady in hot tub
Brady in hot tub
Jess with Arwen and Deanna
Jess with Arwen and Deanna
Even the adults did some jumping
Even the adults did some jumping
Jess with River
Jess with River
Jon throwing in the kids
Jon throwing in the kids
Jumping wall
Jumping wall
pool time
pool time
act out audience
act out audience
Jess and Avery
Jess and Avery
Avery and Addy
Avery and Addy
Sophia, Brady, Avery, Addy
Sophia, Brady, Avery, Addy
Arwen and Becca
Arwen and Becca
Laney, Arwen, Deanna taking a bow
Laney, Arwen, Deanna taking a bow
Playing some basketball before the circus
Playing some basketball before the circus
bball time
bball time
circus time
circus time
opening the circus
opening the circus
Bella leads
Bella leads
flying ballerinas
flying ballerinas
Sophia with missing tooth
Sophia with missing tooth
Carter is our tennis champ!
Carter is our tennis champ!
Our littles performing Thursday morning (Delaney, Becca, Arwen, and Deanna)
Our littles performing Thursday morning (Delaney, Becca, Arwen, and Deanna)
Avery and Bella with their camp couselor
Avery and Bella with their camp couselor
Arwen and Papa with a camp counselor
Arwen and Papa with a camp counselor
Sophia and Avery love their camp counselor
Sophia and Avery love their camp counselor
our 6-8 yr old campers and their awards
our 6-8 yr old campers and their awards