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JSWaters | all galleries >> Galleries >> macro > Ahhhhh
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Canon EOS 5D
1/160s f/6.3 at 70.0mm iso100 full exif

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Scott 15-Nov-2006 18:44
You have a lovely gallery of close-up shots.
This picture is my favourtie. Well done.
Guest 31-Aug-2006 04:48
This reminds me of a fanciful, layered tongue, reaching out for the light and the air's water content, complete with darkened back of "throat," leading to the esophagus. Wonderfully textured, and such an alluring color!
Guest 28-Jun-2006 17:29
Visually, it didnt catch my eyes in the first time. However, sensationally it is a very cool pic.
Phil Douglis22-May-2006 17:18
Ahh, indeed Very sensual, Jenene. I feel as if these are soft fragrant lips. (See how you get my imagination going?)
Light, texture, abstraction, expressing the most delicious human value of all. Love!