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jshuder | all galleries >> Astrophotography >> Q285M CCD > NGC 2346
Minkowski 1-10
PN G215.6+03.6
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NGC 2346
Minkowski 1-10
PN G215.6+03.6

NGC 2346 (M 1-10, Sa 2-5, PK 215+03 1, PN G215.6+03.6) Planetary Nebula in Monoceros. Taken Feb 6, 9,
10 and 12, 2013. Imaged with CCD Lab’s Q285M camera and a Celestron EdgeHD 9.25 at f10, on a Losmandy
G11/Gemini mount. The OIII and H alpha subframes were 15 minutes binned 1x1, while the RGB subframes
were 4 minutes binned 2x2 resulting in the following total exposures (OIII+HA):(R+Ha):(G+OIII):
(B+OIII) (min) = (285+285): (44+285):(44+285):(44+285). Captured with Nebulosity, calibrated, sigma
combined in Iris with other processing using PixInsight LE and Photoshop CS. North is up.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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