IC 0298A (type S pec Ring B) and IC 0298B ( type S0? pec Ring A) are the pair of interacting ring
galaxies in the center of the frame and form Arp 147. In the Arp atlas they are in the class of
“Galaxies with Associated Rings”. The galaxy to the lower left is PGC 11893 (also UGCA 057 and of
type RING). It is not part of the Arp galaxy pair. Taken Dec. 10, 14, 18 and Dec. 19, 2012. Imaged
with CCD Lab’s Q285M camera and a Celestron EdgeHD 9.25 at f10, on a Losmandy G11/Gemini mount.
This is a crop of a larger frame to better show the object. The L subframes were 12 minutes binned
1x1,while the RGB subframes were 4 minutes binned 2x2 resulting in the following total exposures
L:R:G:B (min) = 432:72:72:72. Captured with Nebulosity, calibrated, sigma combined in Iris with
other processing using PixInsight LE and Photoshop CS. North is up.