Just a few cool shots collected and gathered here.
They announced the Academy Award nominations this week and Michele Williams is up for best actress for her portrayal of Marilyn Monroe in the film "My Week With Marilyn." A few years back when I did the page on Scotty's site about Radio Recorders in Hollywood (see http://scottymoore.net/studio_radiorecorders.html ) one of the engineers that worked there, Warren Dace, was especially helpful and recently when the film was making the rounds in LA he related this story which I thought was pretty cool:
"My 10 minutes with Marilyn." It was back in the 50's when I was working in a recording studio in Hollywood, I was assigned to take some recording equipment out to 20th Century-Fox studios where our ad agency client was going to do an interview with Billy Wilder, the director. I went there and met the agency guy, and we walked out into a sound stage. He said,"Just set up the equipment right here, and when Billy Wilder gets through with the scene he's shooting, I'll bring him over and do the interview - meanwhile I've got to talk with some people.", and he took off.
I started to set up when a gal came over and asked what I was doing. There is a scene in "The Seven Year Itch", where the guy is imagining Marilyn coming down a flights of stairs into his apartment. He imagines her with hair piled up on top of her head, extremely heavy makeup, and a slinky dress, and Marilyn was made up for that scene. She didn't look at all like she normally did, and I simply did not recognize her. I told her I was here to tape an interview with Billy Wilder and she asked if I worked for Fox. I said "No, I work for an independent studio," and she wanted to know what artists we recorded. We talked for a few minutes more, and then an announcement came over the PA system - "Miss Monroe, would you please come to the set, we're ready to shoot the scene." "Well," she said, "got to go now, nice talking to you - bye." As she walked off, I realized who it was I'd been talking with!"