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Jeff Real | all galleries >> Galleries >> FLORIDA: Seeing In Threes > LOST
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George McCarten17-Aug-2022 01:00
The tone of this image is a bit different than the previous and works well in this trio of images.
bill friedlander15-Aug-2022 17:11
A very artistic interpretation. V
Tom LeRoy02-Jul-2022 17:08
An artistic adventure ! light, colors and view. V
lroz27-Jun-2022 23:43
Very nice!
Zoltán Balogh27-Jun-2022 14:36
Excellent capture! V
Arthur Lebacq27-Jun-2022 14:10
Like the tones and color in this wonderful and fascinating picture.....nicely done....VV
Julie Oldfield26-Jun-2022 16:54
Terrific peaceful capture. V
janescottcumming26-Jun-2022 15:00
Love this one. The pops of yellow and the reflections are wonderful. V
Graeme26-Jun-2022 11:51
I love you're imagination, Jeff. This is so beautifully captured & presented.BV!!
marie-jose wolff26-Jun-2022 10:35
the golden leaves floating on the water are like jewels! V
Danad26-Jun-2022 08:47
An amazing work, really captivating !
Anne Cecilie26-Jun-2022 05:01
Wonderful image! V
Bill Miller26-Jun-2022 04:53
Very well imagined and created picture
Gill Kopy26-Jun-2022 04:21
Fascinating shot - one can look at it for a long time getting different interpretations :) V
Pieter Bos25-Jun-2022 18:35
Very well done Jeff! ~V
Pierre Martin25-Jun-2022 17:42
beautiful realisation and picture, great reflection melting with the floating parts!
Tom Munson25-Jun-2022 15:52
Beautiful capture.
globalgadabout25-Jun-2022 15:02
wondrous...your inner poet shines through here Jeff...V
Helen Betts25-Jun-2022 14:16
What a fascinating capture! V.
Nirvan Hope25-Jun-2022 13:44
An excellent image to represent the times.
Neil Marcus25-Jun-2022 13:26
The golden "coins" shine in the reflection A fine abstract view. "V"
Carl Carbone25-Jun-2022 13:24
What a vision! Lovely capture.
joseantonio25-Jun-2022 13:11
love those touches of color.V
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