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jacob plotkin | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> paris_october_06 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
We arrived at Charles DeGaulle on October 9 at 6:30 am local time (12:30am EDT). We made our way in the dark by train and subway to Rue Lacépède. We were greeted by our landlord Jacques Seguin.
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Susan at the door of 11 Rue Lacépède
Susan at the door of 11 Rue Lacépède
Hallway of our 3rd floor, 3-room apt.
Hallway of our 3rd floor, 3-room apt.
Living room
Living room
Well-equipped kitchen
Well-equipped kitchen
g6/97/10597/3/69422059.JpfFRZL1.jpg Bedroom
The one city view from the apartment
The one city view from the apartment
To the right of our door, the Jardin des Plantes
To the right of our door, the Jardin des Plantes
At the corner of Rue Lacépède and Rue Linné
At the corner of Rue Lacépède and Rue Linné
Café at Place Jussieu---a short walk
Café at Place Jussieu---a short walk
To the left of our door, Rue Monge
To the left of our door, Rue Monge
Our favorite boulangerie---a 2 minute walk
Our favorite boulangerie---a 2 minute walk
Neighborhood fish store
Neighborhood fish store
Chickens roasting outside a local butcher shop
Chickens roasting outside a local butcher shop
The outdoor market at Place Monge
The outdoor market at Place Monge
On Rue Mouffetard, a great shopping street
On Rue Mouffetard, a great shopping street
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In the Jardin des Plantes
In the Jardin des Plantes
g6/97/10597/3/69424150.mbKEgoQz.jpg A gazebo overlooking the gardens
A gazebo overlooking the gardens
Outside the Museum of Natural History
Outside the Museum of Natural History
Notre Dame---rear view
Notre Dame---rear view
Hôtel de Ville
Hôtel de Ville
The Panthéon
The Panthéon
The Sorbonne
The Sorbonne
Café Soufflot, time for a café crème
Café Soufflot, time for a café crème
Place Trocadéro---statue of Foch
Place Trocadéro---statue of Foch
The Eiffel Tower from the Palais de Chaillot
The Eiffel Tower from the Palais de Chaillot
g6/97/10597/3/69424163.xx0f4gzj.jpg The Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower
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g6/97/10597/3/69424168.Dcw94dcw.jpg Views from the Eiffel Tower
Views from the Eiffel Tower
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 Looking down on the Musée du Quai Branly
Looking down on the Musée du Quai Branly
Hôtel des Invalides
Hôtel des Invalides
The Grand Palais
The Grand Palais
Pont Alexandre III
Pont Alexandre III
g6/97/10597/3/69446510.hjZ2WWNG.jpg The Petit Palais---interior courtyard
The Petit Palais---interior courtyard
Place de la Concorde
Place de la Concorde
Arc de Triomphe
Arc de Triomphe
Assemblée Nationale
Assemblée Nationale
La Colonne at Place Vendôme
La Colonne at Place Vendôme
Place Vendôme---Al Gore made a cameo appearance
Place Vendôme---Al Gore made a cameo appearance
 On the way to the Musée Marmottan
On the way to the Musée Marmottan
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