I made this F30 adaptor using a 2.5" pesto jar lid and nylon hose clamps to fit my new Fuji F30 camera to the 20-60X Zoom eyepiece of my Zeiss 85T*Fl Spotting Scope. The inner two rings are closed to center the outside lens barrel of the camera, and the two outer rings are closed to center the inner lens barrel of the camera. The adaptor presses onto the eyepiece and centers the camera for hand-held and hands-free digiscoping. The same materials can be used to make an adaptor for the Nikon Coolpix P5000.
The latest (2008) adaptor makes use of a teflon pipe thread tape dispenser cap that snaps onto the Coolpix P5000. A Canon LA-DC58F (for the Powershot A620) fits snugly inside the cap and allows for a press-on fit to the Zoom eyepiece of the Zeiss scope.