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a selection

July 13 - angkor the network guggenheim November 15 - offering
030713_spore008_RT8comp.jpg August 5 - the morning after 051117_Sing0587encomp.jpg 060611_bree134en2comp.jpg
040321_mal0338 060605_flow008encomp.jpg starbucks chairs 060301_flowe017encomp.jpg
060125_spore007en.jpg 050401_misc003encomp.jpg 050329_misc003en2comp.jpg 041127_spore0011encomp.tif
040912_spore014en_comp.tif 040603_spore039en2comp.tif 040422_spore036en_comp.tif April 5 - ganesh
March 5 - emerald hill March 10 - postbox Feb 7 - wilt Feb 21 - dappled light
Jan 31 - petal December 2 - doorway December 6 - rose December 26 - festive lights
November 16 - sipadan November 30 - numbers Sept 12 - pipe Sept 17 - in the spotlight
Sept 27 - Chinatown Walk August 2 - spiral August 3 - pencil mark August 4 - sunlit skylight
August 29 - the hat and the birdcage July 5 - phoneboxes July 8 - over the rooftops July 13 - Soho coffee shop
July 23 - Balinese ladies June 3 - bicycle and wall June 6 - bottles June 22 - I love London
June 27 - south bank June 28 - into the country May 14 - table for 4 May 16 - polar love
May 30 - teatime May 31 - ladder in the woods April 22 - dining al fresco - Singapore May 10 - sky
May 22 - blue mosque may 23 - inside the blue mosque May 24 - outside the mosque May 26 - light & dark
May 27 - spice May 28 - bird feed seller May 29 - rooftops June 27 - bali
July 9 - gold July 10 - thai script July 14 - at angkor wat July 16 - face
July 18 - floating shop July 20 - ta prohm Aug 13 - display Aug 15 - smudge silhouette
Aug 26 - carousel Oct 6 - blue jeans Oct 9 - spiral Oct 10 - pull
October 13 - rained off October 16 - HP October 31 - passengers November 1 - in  red
November 2 - greetings November 3 - tailor November 9 - hard working hands November 22 - hello!
Jan 12 - lounge Jan 13 - then he said...then she said...... Jan 30 - dragonfly March 14 - bicycle at the market
March 15 - gardens April 4 - down came the rain April 14 - almost got me... April 27 - lines
April 30 - your lift home?? May 23 - jetty June 4 - wishing June 5 - in orange
June 6 - old home June 12 - the red parasol June 29 - crossing July 29 - pegs
July 13 - coloured glass August 12 - Balance Oct 8 - Thai sunset Oct 28 - too much input
October 30 - cooling off November 16 - boots November 19 - character Feb 12 - Brean
Feb 3 - back at the house Jan 27 - negative space Jan 26 - in the detail Jan 21 - yellow chair
Jan 20 - full frame Jan 18 - old swing June 30 - heading home June 3 - margarita time
May 5th - London 051101_india0436en2comp.jpg Ahmedabad Hotel UK0479
UK0532 UK0636 flatiron
gallery: flatiron
empire state
gallery: empire state
spice market script  at Topkapi Palace script  at Topkapi Palace script
040321_mal0629 040321_mal0179 040321_mal0328 040321_mal0178
040321_mal0195 040321_mal0199 040321_mal0260 040321_mal0283
040321_mal0327 040321_mal0329 040321_mal0359 040321_mal0368
040321_mal0390 Maldives sunset beach sunset
040721_bali0591en_comp.tif 040721_bali0241encomp.jpg 040721_bali0467encomp.jpg 040721_bali0199encomp.jpg
041109_born0836encomp.jpg 041109_born0034encomp.tif 041109_born0434encomp.tif 041109_born0538encomp.jpg
041109_born0567encomp.jpg 060314_tour062comp_c.jpg 060314_tour075comp_c.jpg 060314_tour105comp_c.jpg
060314_tour109comp_c.jpg 060314_tour132encomp_c.jpg 060315_tour011comp_c.jpg 060315_tour046comp_c.jpg
060525Derawn084en2comp.jpg 060525Derawn098encomp.jpg May 25 - the chicken on the bench ..
.. 061030_HK607encomp.jpg 061028_HK411encomp.jpg 061028_HK269encomp.jpg
061028_HK242encomp.jpg 061028_HK200encomp.jpg 061027_HK148encomp.jpg 061027_HK117encomp.jpg
061027_HK054encomp.jpg red gate.jpg 040927_ctown042_comp.tif 051027_lensb030encomp.jpg
050708_BKK176encomp.jpg NY0107 from the empire state Chinatown - Singapore
orange door pink door window..door
Chaing Mai masks red palm sweets
blue / yellow young monk at angkor palm 040927_ctown062_comp.tif
040927_ctown081_comp.tif 040927_ctown087_comp.tif 040804_oly_0005en_comp.tif ..
.. .. .. 050403_BotGa129encomp.jpg
050403_BotGa109en2comp.jpg 050403_BotGa017enscomp.jpg 050403_BotGa092encomp.jpg 050403_BotGa089encomp.jpg
050403_BotGa064encomp.jpg 070120_5dtest_115encomp.jpg 070120_5dtest_118encomp.jpg .