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Josh Cruz | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Terry J. Graham16-Oct-2012 18:23
Well done Josh...... I enjoyed looking at your galleries.
Michael Kilpatrick22-Apr-2011 23:13
Thanks for your kind comments about my photos Josh. You have some excellent images of your own. Regards, Michael
John Glines08-Apr-2011 09:02
Thanks for your kind words about my galleries of Southeast Asia. I live in Bangkok, which is a great hub for visiting this part of the world. BTW, I particularly like your gallery on Beijing. In all the times I was there, I didn't have a camera.
Guest 16-Jan-2011 09:29
Maaike Huizer07-Sep-2010 07:53
Thank you, Josh, for your nice comment on my galley August Abstracts.
I see you have joined pBase yesterday. And you have already uploaded 333 pictures in 4 galleries. You must have been busy.
Anyway: what I have seen so far, looks great. You are talented. Hope to see more.
Josh Cruz07-Sep-2010 06:39
Thanks Reggie :-)
Guest 07-Sep-2010 02:02
nice shots! kudos to mr. josh cruz -- reggie