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joseantonio | all galleries >> Galleries >> COSTA BRAVA 2022/23 > Roses. Església de Santa María
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Roses. Església de Santa María

Parish Church of Santa Maria
Building with three naves, with transept and polygonal apse with girola. It was built, in a first phase, between 792 and 1796, following, apparently, a project by the engineer of the Ciutadella, Pedro Martín Cermeño. It was badly damaged during the French war and, between 1853 and 1864, it was rebuilt by Martí Sureda. From that time is the facade, which remains unfinished and was not completed, in its current aspect, until the nineties of the 20th century.

Canon EOS 90D
1/50s f/4.0 at 24.0mm iso12800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Doug Cruden21-Oct-2023 15:44
Nicely framed capture of this gorgeous fresco Jose
Julie Oldfield18-Oct-2023 17:40
Well detailed. V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal18-Oct-2023 12:43
What a beautiful painting, great shot.
Pierre Martin18-Oct-2023 12:38
beautiful that fresco, excellent image!
janescottcumming18-Oct-2023 11:27
A wonderful capture of this beautiful painting.
André Rivard18-Oct-2023 10:43
KAI-WING LEUNG18-Oct-2023 04:46
Beautiful image! V
Helen Betts18-Oct-2023 03:29
Excellent shot of this beautiful painting. V.
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