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Cochem Castle

Reichsburg Cochem – a striking image with its many turrets and Hexenturm (Witches Tower), this fortified hilltop ‘Imperial Castle’, the largest on the Mosel, dates to around 1000 AD. Built, it’s believed, for the Count Palatine, ownership of Reichsburg eventually passed to the Electorate of Trier, and for a time in the 17th century, was occupied by the troops of King Louis XIV of France, who subsequently destroyed much of the castle and the surrounding town. Reconstructed in neo-Gothic style in the 19th century, Reichsburg became the summer home of the Ravené family of Berlin. Owned and administered by the city of Cochem since the 1970s, the fully furnished castle is open to the public for guided tours and special events.

Canon EOS 70D
1/100s f/4.0 at 17.0mm iso12800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
laine17-Dec-2017 18:25
Created by a master craftsman and perfectly so. V
Gill Kopy11-Oct-2017 01:14
Such beautiful work - nicely captured V
Martin Lamoon10-Oct-2017 19:10
Fine wood carving.
Jim Coffman10-Oct-2017 18:22
Nice capture of all of this detail!
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