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Hiking in Mürren

Although the larger streams are usually all right to drink from, you should carry a water bottle at all times, as your throat will become dry and you'll soon become thirsty. You shouldn't drink from smaller brooks, especially in summer when the cows are on higher pastures. Pack a lunch! Restaurants are few and expensive in the mountains. Buy some bread, cheese, sausage, and fruit at the nearest grocery store and enjoy a feast in the world's biggest outdoor cafe.

Canon EOS 70D
1/60s f/16.0 at 18.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Steve Macomber03-Nov-2014 01:52
Beautiful scene. Well Done! V
Jean D19-Aug-2014 01:29
WOW! Terrific view of this awesome high altitude scenery, Superbly captured, Jose. ~V
Jin Wu09-Aug-2014 21:33
Great Mountain background and beautiful green color!
Dennis Hoyne04-Aug-2014 03:35
Beautiful! It all sounds so wonderful, I would love to give it a try.
Hank Vander Velde04-Aug-2014 02:18
Beautiful well captured mountain scene. Looks like a super place to hike.
globalgadabout04-Aug-2014 02:10
wise to be prepared, and self-sufficient, in the mountains...great vista here..
Carl H. Johnson04-Aug-2014 01:36
Thanks for the heads luck I would have drank from the smaller brooks:-)
Gill Kopy04-Aug-2014 00:54
This place is so beautiful - very nicely captured Jose V
Fletcher Wildlife Garden04-Aug-2014 00:50
Gorgeous views of the lush green valley contrasted with the snowy peaks. V
Bill Robinson03-Aug-2014 23:02
Beautifully scenery and a terrific day to enjoy it. Lovely capture Jose.
janescottcumming03-Aug-2014 21:32
What a dream that would be to have a picnic lunch here and see all this beauty. V
Marina Arimany03-Aug-2014 21:17
Un paisatge meravellós!!
Walter Otto Koenig03-Aug-2014 21:07
A very nice landscape image. A beautiful place for hiking. "V"
Guest 03-Aug-2014 21:01
A beautiful place to hike. Great capture as always.
Guest 03-Aug-2014 20:36
Spectacular view Best J
coaster03-Aug-2014 20:23
A gorgeous scene!
Irene Wehrli03-Aug-2014 20:13
Breathtaking view Jose - what a wonderful mountain world...
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