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joseantonio | all galleries >> Galleries >> SWITZERLAND 2014 > Bern. Rathausplatz (Town Hall Square)
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Bern. Rathausplatz (Town Hall Square)

The history of the city of Bern proper begins with its founding by Duke Berchtold V of Zähringen in 1191. Local legend has it that the duke vowed to name the city after the first animal he met on the hunt, which turned out to be a bear. Both the name of the city (Bern can stand for Bär(e) n, bears) and its heraldic beast, come from this legend. At that time, much of today's Switzerland (then considered part of southern Burgundy) was under the authority of the house of Zähringen. The Zähringer leaders, although with no actual duchy of their own, were styled dukes by decree of the German king and exercised imperial power south of the Rhine. To establish their position there, they founded or expanded numerous settlements, including Fribourg (in 1157), Bern, Burgdorf and Morat

Canon EOS 70D
1/60s f/11.0 at 18.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Fabienne03-Aug-2014 19:15
Les rayons du soleil couchant offrent de jolies couleurs dorées.
Helen Betts03-Aug-2014 18:14
One again, that light is just superb! V.
Martin Lamoon03-Aug-2014 18:01
Great place for a cafe!like your capture with the sunlight on the buildings.
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