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joseantonio | all galleries >> Galleries >> SWITZERLAND 2014 > The Bear, symbol of the City of Bern
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The Bear, symbol of the City of Bern

The heraldic beast of Bern is the bear. It has long served as namesake, emblem, mascot and — at times — personification of Bern. The founding legend has it that Duke Berthold V of Zähringen vowed to choose as namesake the first animal his hunt met in the wood that was to be chopped down for the new city. Then, as Konrad Justinger's chronicle puts it:Nu wart des ersten ein ber gevangen, darumb wart die stat bern genempt; und gab do den burgeren in der stat ein wappen und schilt, nemlich einen swarzen bern in einem wissen schilt in gender wise.Then they caught a bear first, which is why the city was called Bern; and so the citizens had their coat and shield, which was a black bear in a white shield, going upright.The bear motif is in evidence as early as 1224 (on city seals), and has remained in use ever since. Today the city of Bern still has bears featured directly outside its Altstadt in the Bärengraben.

Canon EOS 70D
1/125s f/9.0 at 26.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
fotabug30-Jul-2014 18:06
That's a neat sculpture! Certainly better than getting that close to one in the wild! :)
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