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21-JUL-2006 Jola Dziubinska

Friday SP In Croatia

Lopar, Rab Island

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 16-Nov-2008 04:41
to jest b.ladne.
Ron Horloff30-Aug-2006 16:05
Soft and delicate, with attractive pastels.
fotabug27-Aug-2006 03:17
Wow, beautiful SP
Emad Omar13-Aug-2006 10:06
Very nice self-portraits.
Bill Morgenstern11-Aug-2006 18:06
You look so content on the beach. I love the soft glow of this image. Lovely shot!!
Guest 11-Aug-2006 03:43
oh, I am so sorry we don't meet there - I would have loved a photo contest with you in Croatia! well done! you are beautiful!
Chris Thorpe09-Aug-2006 21:12
Wonderful summertime SP...nice work.
BAS Photography08-Aug-2006 14:22
Awesome! You rock! ~V~
Monte Dodge08-Aug-2006 07:57
Very nicely done....
Bob Floyd06-Aug-2006 14:40
Very nice! Well done Jola. You comfy and relaxed (I am a bit jealous!).
Marisa Livet05-Aug-2006 17:59
Soft and very smart...
Happy holiday!
Guest 05-Aug-2006 14:16
Great errr Hat:-) another top SP Jola
Fabienne05-Aug-2006 08:48
quelle chance, soleil, calme et bronzette, que demander de plus. Un bel auto portrait.
Richard Calmes04-Aug-2006 22:05
Happy Friday, Jola!
arminb04-Aug-2006 21:57
very nice :o)
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