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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> MUSIC TO MY EYES >> ROSES' SECRET LIFE > Roses In The Snow
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2006 Jola Dziubinska

Roses In The Snow

(Performed by Emmylou Harris)

I met my darlin' in the springtime
When all the flowers were in bloom
And like the flowers our love blossomed
We married in the month of June

Our love was like a burning ember
It warmed us as a golden glow
We had sunshine in December
And threw our roses in the snow

Now God has taken my darlin'
And left me with a memory
A memory I will always cherish
Are these last words he said to me

Our love was like a burning ember
It warmed us as a golden glow
We had sunshine in December
And threw our roses in the snow

My darlin's buried on the hillside
Where all the wild spring flowers grow
And when winter snows start fallin'
On his grave I'll place a rose

Our love was like a burning ember
It warmed us as cold winds blow
We had sunshine in December
And threw our roses in the snow

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Hossein 14-Oct-2009 16:10
so special beautiful
robert 14-Jun-2009 04:04
lovely aren't they.
Sheila24-Feb-2006 23:16
Beautiful Image, Jola.
Guest 24-Feb-2006 21:49
peotic justice
laine8224-Feb-2006 21:22
Such a lovely composition. Roses with anything, including snow are very stunning.
QUERIDO24-Feb-2006 20:31
nice shot
Arno Meintjes Wildlife24-Feb-2006 19:34
Very nice page.
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