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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> PORTRAITS >> My Grandson Maurycy > Joy
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30-AUG-2018 Jola Dziubinska



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LynnH01-Sep-2018 01:08
Oh yes! Great catch of his happy moment with the tortoise! V
carol j. phipps31-Aug-2018 20:08
Yes. Joy on his face. Pretty pet.
cits_4_pets31-Aug-2018 18:33
The tortoise is almost as big as the child! Looks to love the shelled critter. Cute shot!!!v
laine31-Aug-2018 17:48
There is certainly joy in that smile...such a cute shot. V
Mieke WA Minkjan31-Aug-2018 15:17
real joy, wonderful photo V
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