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Jojie Alcantara | profile | all galleries >> PORTRAITS >> SELF PORTRAIT tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

LUMADS (TRIBES) | SELF PORTRAIT | RETROGRAPHS | BABIES | WEDDING | FASHION & FANTASY | ANIMAL WORLD | Fine Art of Motherhood | Kristel in Bloom | Kristel and Yuseff | Faces of Prasoona | A Precious Ruby | People | Children of Tabina, Zamboanga del Sur | Kids of Cagwait, Surigao del Sur | Beauties in Bangkok | Amazonian Fantasy | Karina | Manny Librodo Workshop 2007 | Manny Librodo Portrait Photography Workshop 2008 | Portraiture Series: Karina, Zsahara and Krystal Vee | Going Bollywood! | Guada-licious!


Self portrait, studio, 2007
Self portrait, studio, 2007
Me in Agusan Marsh!
Me in Agusan Marsh!
Self portrait in hotel (Beijing, China)
Self portrait in hotel (Beijing, China)
self portrait at times beach
self portrait at times beach