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Jojie Alcantara | profile | all galleries >> MY PHILIPPINES >> BISLIG >> Hagonoy Island tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Hagonoy Island

Read my article, Hagonoy on My Mind in my blog:
Hagonoy Island
Hagonoy Island
Approaching Hagonoy
Approaching Hagonoy
Firedancer in the Island
Firedancer in the Island
Hagonoy's fine beach
Hagonoy's fine beach
Hagonoy beachfront
Hagonoy beachfront
Hagonoy Island
Hagonoy Island
Hagonoy white sand coastline
Hagonoy white sand coastline
Hagonoy at sundown
Hagonoy at sundown
Me with the boys
Me with the boys
Hagonoy during rain
Hagonoy during rain
Hagonoy Island
Hagonoy Island
Hagonoy Island, Bislig
Hagonoy Island, Bislig
Food trip with delicious crabs
Food trip with delicious crabs
Food trip!
Food trip!
Photographers catching sunset
Photographers catching sunset
Leaving the island
Leaving the island