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Aberdulais Copper Mill
Aberdulais Copper Mill
Botley Road, Oxford
Botley Road, Oxford
Eiffel Tower view - not for wimps!
Eiffel Tower view - not for wimps!
20050406 The Forum, Rome
20050406 The Forum, Rome
Throwley Hall, Staffordshire, England
Throwley Hall, Staffordshire, England
Cap Ferret, Aquitaine, France
Cap Ferret, Aquitaine, France
20050529 Grenoble Road, Oxford
20050529 Grenoble Road, Oxford
20050405 Monumento del Vittorio
20050405 Monumento del Vittorio
The Pantheon, Rome
The Pantheon, Rome
Britain's Only Inland Lighthouse
Britain's Only Inland Lighthouse
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