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B Thomas Johnston | profile | all galleries >> Travel Galleries >> Victoria Falls ~ Zimbabwe 2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Victoria Falls ~ Zimbabwe 2010

A fleeting visit to Victoria Falls on the Zimbabwe side.
Downstream of the falls
Downstream of the falls
Downstream of the falls
Downstream of the falls
Downstream of the falls
Downstream of the falls
Downstream of the falls
Downstream of the falls
Downstream of the falls
Downstream of the falls
A pair of female Bushbuck
A pair of female Bushbuck
The Kingdom Hotel
The Kingdom Hotel
The Kingdom Hotel
The Kingdom Hotel
The Kingdom Hotel
The Kingdom Hotel
The Kingdom Hotel
The Kingdom Hotel
The Kingdom Hotel
The Kingdom Hotel
Rainbow Falls
Rainbow Falls
Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls
Female bushbuck
Female bushbuck
Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls
The path around the Falls
The path around the Falls
Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls
Dr. Livingstone I presume.
Dr. Livingstone I presume.
The Kingdom Hotel
The Kingdom Hotel
Zimbabwe Flag
Zimbabwe Flag
Victoria Falls Panorama
Victoria Falls Panorama
Victoria Falls Panorama
Victoria Falls Panorama
Victoria Falls Panorama
Victoria Falls Panorama
Victoria Falls Panorama
Victoria Falls Panorama
Victoria Falls Panorama
Victoria Falls Panorama
Victoria Falls Panorama
Victoria Falls Panorama
Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls
The rail bridge to Zambia
The rail bridge to Zambia
Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls
Shapes in the Mist
Shapes in the Mist