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John Rendle | all galleries >> Galleries >> Standard Format Images of New Zealand ex Digital SLR > State Highway 73 near Arthurs Pass, Canterbury, New Zealand
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State Highway 73 near Arthurs Pass, Canterbury, New Zealand

A truck heads away from the main divide and the rain those mountains act as a catalyst for on its way to the drier east coast and probably Christchurch. It was definitely heading for me though and I preferred not to linger. A wide angle focal length belied it's distance from me.....and it wasn't lingering either.

Pentax K20D
1/125s f/11.0 at 18.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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globalgadabout12-Jan-2009 01:36
thunderous scene...powerful stuff...V
lou_rozensteins09-Jan-2009 23:52
Nice shot! I remember driving there, and up through the pass. There actually are straight roads in NZ! Well done. You have caught the atmosphere well.