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John Rendle | all galleries >> Galleries >> Standard Format Images of New Zealand ex Digital SLR > Seaside fireworks, Christchurch, New Zealand
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Seaside fireworks, Christchurch, New Zealand

The local council's bid to put on a decent display and hopefully deter 'do it yourself' pyromaniacs from having a go in the back garden and setting fire to the suburbs. My overall impression was of a spectacular display but as always when grappling with a camera you largely miss the event and with me getting snaps of distinct occasions is very much a hit or miss affair.

Pentax K20D
5s f/11.0 at 12.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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globalgadabout07-Nov-2008 16:14
vivid and vivacious...a spectacular scene expertly portrayed...V
lou_rozensteins07-Nov-2008 00:57
It ended up being a great composition, though! Well done. Voted.
Guest 06-Nov-2008 12:51
Excellent! V