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Johnny JAG | all galleries >> Galleries >> SADDEST of the SAD > Dont play on your food kids!
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Dont play on your food kids!

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/125s f/5.6 at 118.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
carabias08-Nov-2018 21:02
Beautiful pretty picture! BV
Marisa Livet28-Oct-2009 21:47
Fantastic photo and clever gently ironical, humorous title....
I do love your sheep!
Buz Kiefer18-Feb-2008 21:37
They get my vote but I resent that they all have that accusatory face. Vote.
Malcolm Smith18-Feb-2008 21:04
Fun shot, great caption.
Guest 17-Feb-2008 01:13
I love sheep in every way,they are almost as crazy as me:-))))
Greg Harp10-Feb-2008 02:35
Marvelous. :-)
malcolm haslam09-Feb-2008 18:11
Absolutely priceless...
poetry66608-Feb-2008 23:47
Kool shots Johnny. Fun too!!
veraferia08-Feb-2008 22:47
Lovely shot!V
J. Scott Coile08-Feb-2008 17:17
Table monitor :-)
Guest 05-Feb-2008 20:20
Wow, this is excellent! V
Sheila04-Feb-2008 08:13
They don't look sheepish at all. Great shot/clarity.
Hank Vander Velde04-Feb-2008 00:09
Two very nice shots. V.
Eric Hewis03-Feb-2008 23:01
Gordon addresses the party conference.
lou_rozensteins03-Feb-2008 22:20
King of the Castle!! Great shot. I like the wind too.
David Clunas03-Feb-2008 21:58
ewe got the wrong animal, these aren't baby goats
northstar3703-Feb-2008 21:49
they've buried the farmer under there
Pat Shawyer03-Feb-2008 21:37
Where did the snow go?
Lovely pics.
Neil Horner03-Feb-2008 21:31
Obviously the top dog ! er....make that ewe !!
JW03-Feb-2008 21:29
there's always one!
Chris03-Feb-2008 21:27
Sez ewe!!
Love it! Chris
Guest 03-Feb-2008 21:05
betiful image, so lovely.
SRW03-Feb-2008 20:53
You are the king of the sheep shot, aren't you?!
Nicki Thurgar03-Feb-2008 19:57
LOL! Food on, er their food! ;o)
(NOT that I eat lamb of course!)
Jackdad03-Feb-2008 19:56
well, they say "you are what you eat".... :-)
Guest 03-Feb-2008 19:50
Both are very cute and well taken!
Máire Uí Mhaicín03-Feb-2008 19:48
A good tail-wind there!
joanteno03-Feb-2008 19:28
King of the hill!
Zak03-Feb-2008 19:18
looks like they're having a meeting heheh
Ann...03-Feb-2008 19:16
Lovely shot - there's always one who wants to be top sheep!!! Love the title!
beverley harrison03-Feb-2008 19:15
love this jj...are they your sheep?
Nick Powell03-Feb-2008 19:13
LOL great caption and capture, well done.
Phillip Normanton03-Feb-2008 19:12
Bet they wish it was a Baa-B-Q
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