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last apples

These are among the last few apples on our tree
in late afternoon light reflected from the kitchen window

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/50s f/4.0 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
northstar3702-Oct-2008 18:45
the birds will nibble them
Rich Westfall02-Oct-2008 02:58
Excellent image. Very nicely composed.
Sheila02-Oct-2008 01:51
Like an old painting. Beautiful light.
Sharon Rogers02-Oct-2008 00:17
Gorgeous light and very painterly - it's like a old still life
Pat Shawyer01-Oct-2008 21:15
A lovely early autumn shot Johnny J !
Stewart Mitchell01-Oct-2008 20:43
Great light and imagery :-)
Guest 01-Oct-2008 20:28
beautiful fall image.
Phillip Normanton01-Oct-2008 20:27
Don't worry, they've got loads more in the ol supermarket ;-)
Grand light you get reflected from your window :)
Nicki Thurgar01-Oct-2008 20:17
Lovely light, reminds me of a still life painting!
Mairéad01-Oct-2008 19:55
Look nice and sweet, not like our cookers.
Faye White01-Oct-2008 19:29
beautiful presentation - I love the soft light
Zak01-Oct-2008 19:28
you could crumble them!
Neil Horner01-Oct-2008 19:22
Thought you would have had the cider brewing !
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