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Johnny Rasmussen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Pictures from my hometown > Mouse is stuck
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27-JUL-2007 Johnny Rasmussen

Mouse is stuck

I found this hanging on the wall this afternoon
when I went for a walk. Kind of funny, right?

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/60s f/5.0 at 40.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Robyco03-Aug-2007 23:08
Looks funny, especialy it can not walk with you to your place.......
j>a>e>17 :):):)02-Aug-2007 09:26
here's some cheese for joyFULL johnnny's sweet pet & you can have some too :):):)
Máire Uí Mhaicín27-Jul-2007 21:05
You're lucky there's not a mouse loose about the house!!!
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