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j>a>e>17 :):):) | all galleries >> Galleries >> Jubilant Jumping January Jingles > windy city creature of the night loves to be serenaded...
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02-JAN-2008 Johnutty MacChuckles O'Lunaleafy

windy city creature of the night loves to be serenaded...


urban gargoyle chum read his tales of magic to me...

mystical journeys of wonder will flow this GREAT 2008...

timeless dreams flaming as i belt out my tune for him...

deep deep DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP in fall freedom forever family forest i am granted "17" NOW LIFE WOWS in wintry deLIGHT as i dream~~~dare~~~dive!!! i invite YOU to join me...j>a>e>17 :):):)

light up each night with mystical energy that flows from YOUr unique spirit & tuneFULL heart :):):)

& with 17 AWEvations i presnet MANgcal vocalist Mario Frangoulis with his ahhhhhsome, "Night Wants to Forget"... his amazing voice i will always remember & more... :):):)

"Sento la neve sul viso ed il gelo acompagna
il soffio del vento che cerca invano riparo.
Vedo la luna danzare leggera tra i rami
come le notti in cui tu eri ancora con me.

Night wants to forget
just like the ocean tides do
Wash sadness away
All its dreams will try to soothe my aching heart
Night wants to forget
Steal my memories in the darkness.
Never look back
I will remember
Each new day will always remind me of you.

E la tua mano che ancora riscalda la mia,
e la tua voce che canta felice al mattino
E il tuo sorriso che appare improvviso alla porta
come ogni volta che io ritornavo da te...

Night wants to forget
just like the ocean tides do
Wash sadness away
All its dreams will try to soothe my aching heart
Night wants to forget
Steal my memories in the darkness,
Never look back
I will remember
Each new day will always remind me of you.

Vedo la luna danzare leggera tra i rami
come le notti in cui tu eri ancora con me.
Con me..."

Canon PowerShot SD110
1/60s f/7.1 at 5.4mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jason Anderson13-Jan-2008 22:54
Fantastic, he looks just like me! No, the one in the middle.
Guest 04-Jan-2008 19:10
Always follow yore heart - it's as TRUE as it gets.
Besides - sometimes the brain don't work to good!!

Mike :o)
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography04-Jan-2008 00:43
la donna e mobil,dolce far nienteeeeee!
Netty 03-Jan-2008 20:30
You will always follow your heart...I know :-)
I will always remember :-)
J. Scott Coile03-Jan-2008 16:25
The protector of the Hissouse ;-)
Martha Albuquerque03-Jan-2008 14:02
beautiful and coooooooool :) here is cold too, Everkid :)) finally!
beijo and love,
tinkerbell titakins :)
susan hiatt03-Jan-2008 10:10
and each new DAY brings us joy from you JOHNUTTY
Guest 03-Jan-2008 09:54
beautiful song, voice.
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