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02-Jul-2019 John Hamers


Wild Flower field in the Etretat outside area

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
1/125s f/22.0 at 67.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alexander Kazakov29-Jul-2023 06:57
Wonderful! V
Nestor Derkach26-Jun-2021 14:06
A beautiful field of wild flowers with thousands of buds yet to open.
Nice sharp image with light that is pefect.
laine31-May-2021 15:04
A beautiful natural display and a great angle...I love the colour combinations. V
Yiannis Pavlis29-May-2021 12:24
Great colors and contrast
Fabienne28-May-2021 21:13
Ces fleurs sont lumineuses et offre un beau contraste avec le ciel.
KAI-WING LEUNG27-May-2021 01:55
Very nice low angle, colorful image! V
lou_rozensteins26-May-2021 00:17
Beautiful colours and a great low pov!
LynnH25-May-2021 22:32
Wonderful, whimsical photo!! Bravo! V
lucanton25-May-2021 11:39
une magnifique palette de couleurs ! V
Tom LeRoy25-May-2021 11:36
A beautiful summertime display! Fine POV, light and colors. V
Borisalex25-May-2021 06:11
So poetic! V
Raymond Ma24-May-2021 23:55
Such a lush, wild and beautiful bouquet...the low view with the sky makes for a wonderful frame. V
janescottcumming24-May-2021 22:39
So beautiful with the inclusion of the sky. V
Arthur Lebacq24-May-2021 20:39
Prachtig en kleurrijk plaatje....VV
danad24-May-2021 19:59
A superb "impressionniste" image ! V.
globalgadabout24-May-2021 18:48
wonderful, upbeat ambience so immersed in the vibrancy and colour...V
Colin Storey24-May-2021 18:38
Fantastic meadow scene taken from a wonderful low viewpoint.
bill friedlander24-May-2021 17:50
Nice low POV, the colors are gorgeous. V
Apostolos Tikopoulos24-May-2021 17:35
Splendid picture of those beautiful and colorful flowers. V.
Julie Oldfield24-May-2021 17:31
Wonderfully bright and colorful. V
Pierre Martin24-May-2021 17:07
superb with that low pov, beautiful colors!
Walter Otto Koenig24-May-2021 14:53
What a beautiful sight. Love the colors. So well photographed. "V"
Nick Paoni24-May-2021 14:31
Terrific blend of colors. Love the low POV.
Jeff Real24-May-2021 14:18
This beauty is even more impactful from this low angle!
Helen Betts24-May-2021 13:58
Perfect low POV for this beautiful wildflower capture. V.
Neil Marcus24-May-2021 13:24
Thrilling view and detailed with no blurs. "Big Vote"
Carl Carbone24-May-2021 12:31
Lovely pops of color!
hayl24-May-2021 12:19
A bugs eye view of this lovely wild flower field - terrific.
joseantonio24-May-2021 11:01
lovely low angle.V.
Wim Ensie24-May-2021 09:55
Prachtig John, ik hou hier van. BV
Marjan Schavemaker24-May-2021 09:18
Zo mooi, John! V
John Reynolds LRPS24-May-2021 08:57
Beautiful colours and tack sharp. V.
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