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John Hamers | all galleries >> Travels >> France >> Paris : La Défense >
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14-APR-2012 John Hamers


Canon EOS 40D
1/160s f/10.0 at 28.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
villette21-Oct-2012 08:59
bon travail!
Graeme13-May-2012 09:54
I like the choices of slective colouring in this modern scene, John.BV
Reykjavik Impressions / Stefán Ólafsson13-May-2012 08:41
Great work John! V.
rousselziak13-May-2012 08:12
Very creative work ! -V-
borisalex13-May-2012 07:16
Utopia is nothing against this scene! You made it happen here! V.
John Reynolds LRPS13-May-2012 06:58
A fascinating scene. V.
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