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John Hamers | profile | all galleries >> Travels >> Belgium >> Brussels tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Huis van kleermakersgilden   (House of  the tailors Guild )
Huis van kleermakersgilden (House of the tailors Guild )
Maison des Brasseurs / House of brewers
Maison des Brasseurs / House of brewers
Monts des Arts with view at city center
Monts des Arts with view at city center
Bonifacius at top of the Mol & de Gouden Sloep
Bonifacius at top of the "Mol & de Gouden Sloep"
Karel van Lotharingen ( House of Brewers)
Karel van Lotharingen ( House of Brewers)
Statue  at  Place du Petit Sablon
Statue at "Place du Petit Sablon"
Onze -Lieve-Vrouw ter Kapelle Church
Onze -Lieve-Vrouw ter Kapelle Church
Place du petit Sablon
Place du petit Sablon
Manneke Pis
Manneke Pis
g1/90/942690/3/127338092.TIAT8EFC.jpg Top of musical instruments museum
Top of musical instruments museum
Square near Central station
Square near Central station
King Baudouin Statue
King Baudouin Statue
King Baudouin  statue
King Baudouin statue
Wall segments
Wall segments
St.-Michiels- en St.-Goedele Cathedral
St.-Michiels- en St.-Goedele Cathedral
De Gildenhuizen
De Gildenhuizen
Making a call
Making a call
An enervating day it was..........
An enervating day it was..........
Luck by rubbing
Luck by rubbing
Not bad at all ....
Not bad at all ....
Doing a nap
Doing a nap
Lost in Thought
Lost in Thought
Enjoying a sunny afternoon
Enjoying a sunny afternoon
Interior St-Michiels- en St.- Goedele Cathedral
Interior St-Michiels- en St.- Goedele Cathedral
Interior St-Michiels- en St.-Goedele Cathedral
Interior St-Michiels- en St.-Goedele Cathedral
Art for sale at Grand Place
Art for sale at Grand Place
Town Hall Tower
Town Hall Tower
Paleis der Dynastie
Paleis der Dynastie
Mont des Arts
Mont des Arts
Mont des Arts
Mont des Arts
Stairs of Town Hall
Stairs of Town Hall
Art versus Industry
Art versus Industry
Koningin (Queen) Elizabeth
Koningin (Queen) Elizabeth
Mont des Arts/ De Kunstberg
Mont des Arts/ De Kunstberg
Koning (King) Albert l
Koning (King) Albert l
Koningin (Queen) Elizabeth
Koningin (Queen) Elizabeth
Mont des Arts / De kunstberg
Mont des Arts / De kunstberg
Grand Place  / Grote Markt
Grand Place / Grote Markt
Koepel  van het  Huis der Bakkers
Koepel van het "Huis der Bakkers"
Town Hall at the Grand Place
Town Hall at the Grand Place
St.-Jacob Church
St.-Jacob Church
The Grand Place / De Grote Markt
The Grand Place / De Grote Markt
Mont des Arts / De Kunstberg
Mont des Arts / De Kunstberg
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Kapelle Church
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Kapelle Church
Onze -Lieve-Vrouw ter Kapelle Church
Onze -Lieve-Vrouw ter Kapelle Church
Mont des Arts ( De Kunstberg )
Mont des Arts ( De Kunstberg )
For Sale !!!
For Sale !!!
g1/90/942690/3/127141803.TraB8JgR.jpg g1/90/942690/3/127141716.FRWLuOuX.jpg Charles Buls Statue
Charles Buls Statue
St.- Hubertus Gallery
St.- Hubertus Gallery
St.- Hubertus Gallery
St.- Hubertus Gallery
St.-Hubertus Gallery
St.-Hubertus Gallery
Another Herge creation at the wall !!
Another Herge creation at the wall !!
Manneke Pis eating  a waffle
Manneke Pis eating a waffle
Fronts at Grand Place
Fronts at Grand Place
a Herge comic  at the wall (Tin Tin / Kuifje )
a Herge comic at the wall (Tin Tin / Kuifje )
Skating Pitch
Skating Pitch
A shop front in the Marollen Quarter.
A shop front in the Marollen Quarter.
Clockface (Paleis der Dynastie )
Clockface (Paleis der Dynastie )
Front of the Museum of Musical Instruments
Front of the Museum of Musical Instruments
g1/90/942690/3/127055632.hp2CKYXG.jpg Garden at  Mont des Arts  (De kunstberg)
Garden at "Mont des Arts" (De kunstberg)
Garden at Mont des Arts (De kunstberg)
Garden at "Mont des Arts" (De kunstberg)
Mont des Arts / De Kunstberg
Mont des Arts / De Kunstberg
View at old city center from Mont  des Arts
View at old city center from "Mont des Arts"
Town Hall tower
Town Hall tower
St.-Jacob church
St.-Jacob church
Mont des Arts / De Kunstberg
Mont des Arts / De Kunstberg
St.-Michiels- en St.-Goedele Cathedral
St.-Michiels- en St.-Goedele Cathedral
De Kunstberg
De Kunstberg
European Parliament
European Parliament
European Parliament
European Parliament
Escalator in Atomium tube
Escalator in Atomium tube
Stairs in  Atomium tube
Stairs in Atomium tube
Close up of one of the spheres
Close up of one of the spheres
stairs between the Atomium spheres
stairs between the Atomium spheres
European Parliament
European Parliament
Atomium Spheres
Atomium Spheres
Spheres of Atomium
Spheres of Atomium
View from the Atomium
View from the Atomium
Close up of sphere
Close up of sphere